TikToker Lost All Her Eyelashes Due To Unsuccessful Makeup


An unhappy TikToker has shared the shocking moment she pulled out most of the eyelashes on her right eye after a simple makeup tool broke.

TikTok is home to viral content of all kinds. From popular dances to wild challenges, life hacks and much more, everyone will find something for themselves in the video sharing app.

At the same time, TikTok definitely has several clips that cause a stir among viewers. For example, one woman caught the moment when she accidentally tore off her eyelashes during makeup… and the audience sympathizes with TikToker, who now has no eyelashes.

The creator of “Merrick Bourgeois” was finishing her makeup when something terrible happened.

Shocked TikToker pulls out eyelashes with eyelash curler



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Apparently, TikToker went to fix her eyelashes with an eyelash curler, a device that squeezes a person’s eyelashes between two soft hands to achieve a curled look with wide eyes.

Unfortunately, the curler pulled out most of TikToker’s eyelashes, leaving her in complete shock. Merrick gave the audience the opportunity to take a good look at the eyelash curler, which had a whole row of eyelashes glued to the upper lever.

She then switched to the front camera of her phone, revealing that the upper part of her right eye was completely devoid of eyelashes. “Send HELP,” she captioned the video. “I’m crying, oh my God.”

Commentators cannot help but sympathize with the unfortunate TikToker, some suggest that she could have applied mascara before using curlers, which caused her eyelashes to stick to the tool.

Merrick explained the situation in a subsequent video, stating that her hand actually slipped while using the curler, subsequently pulling out her eyelashes. Yo!


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