Telegram: Facebook’s social networks fell on Monday (4) and other platforms showed instabilities. During the period of about seven hours of blackout, many users joined the Telegram platform to try to communicate, so the company experienced a record increase in activity registration, receiving more than 70 million new users.
The data was announced by Pavel Durov, CEO of the platform, on its Telegram channel. In the statement, Durov says he is very proud of how his team handled the arrival of the millions of WhatsApp “refugees”, despite users in America having experienced slowdowns in the application.
Durov took the opportunity to ask existing users to welcome their newly arrived friends, and to be sure to show why Telegram is “light years” ahead of other instant chat apps.
The CEO even took the opportunity to snipe at the competition and said: “For new users, I would like to say this — welcome to Telegram, the world’s largest independent messaging platform. We will not leave it when others will”.